Functions: Horizontal
Stretch or Compress

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Horizontal Stretch and Compress may, or may not, be studied in your Algebra 1 class.

We saw in Vertical Stretch or Compress, the "distorting" of the shapes of the functions.
The Horizontal Stretch or Compress will also change the shape of the function, but in a different direction. These "distorted" transformations will "push" and "pull" the graph horizontally.

What is the difference between a Vertical Stretch/Compress and a Horizontal Stretch/Compress?
• A vertical stretch/compress occurs when the function (the output, y)
is multiplied by a positive number. ("outside" the function)
• A horizontal stretch/compress occurs when the input (x)
is multiplied by a positive number. ("inside" the function)


DilationHorizontal Stretch or Compress:    f (k•x)

When the input values (x-values) of a function are
multiplied by a positive constant
, k,
a horizontal stretch, or compression, of the function will occur.

If the constant is greater than one (
k > 1), a horizontal compression will occur.
If the constant is between 0 and 1 (
0 < k < 1), a horizontal stretch will occur.

(FYI: If it appears that k is negative, you are looking at a horizontal stretch, or compress,
followed by a horizontal reflection (in the y-axis).

A horizontal stretch, or compress, will multiply all x-values by k.
The y-values will not change.
NOTE: During a horizontal stretch, or compress, the y-intercept of the function
(where x = 0), never changes. The y-intercept stays attached to the y-axis.

A horizontal stretch, or compression,
transforms the "inside" (input values) of the function.


When changes to a function take place inside the parentheses, such as f (k•x),
a change occurs to the inputs. These types of changes can be difficult to understand.
Let's take a look at the quadratic parent function, f (x) = x2,
and see if we can figure out what is happening.

Horizontal Stretch:   
f (kx) where 0 < k < 1

" horizontal stretch by a factor of 1/k "

Start with parent function f (x) = x2.
Let k = ½

If the starting x-coordinate is positive,
the horizontal stretch will move the new
x-coordinate further to the right of the y-axis.

If the starting x-coordinate is negative,
the horizontal stretch will move the new
x-coordinate further to the left of the y-axis.

Remember: The y-intercept value (where x = 0)
stays attached to the y-axis, and does not change.

A horizontal stretch "pulls" the graph horizontally
away from the y-axis (to the left and/or right).

Given: f (x) = x2    and    k = ½

Horizontal Stretch:
   f x) = (½ x)2
The new function can be renamed:
g (x) = (½ x)2

The y-intercept value (0,0) will not change.


Let's look at the coordinates for the two graphs.

(x, y) becomes (x/k, y)

The tables above show the y-coordinates and their matching x-values for both functions.

Keep in mind that the y-values
will not be changed.
It's the x-values that will change.

To find the new x-values of the stretch,
to match the y-values from f (x),
multiply each x-coordinate by 1/k.

In the example at the left, the x-values from the parent function, f (x), are multiplied
by 1/k = 1/½ = 2
to obtain the x-values of the stretch.


Horizontal Compress:   
f (kx) where k > 1

" horizontal compression by a factor of 1/k "

We are still working with
the parent function f (x) = x2.
Let k = 2

If the starting x-value is positive,
the horizontal compression will keep the the new
x-coordinate positive, but closer to the y-axis.

If the starting x-value is negative,
the horizontal compression will keep the new
x-coordinate negative, but closer to the y-axis.

Remember: The y-intercept value (where x = 0)
stays attached to the y-axis, and does not change.

A horizontal stretch "pushes" the graph horizontally
closer to the y-axis (from the left and/or right).

Given: f (x) = x2    and   k = 2

Horizontal Compression:
(2x) = (2x)2

The new function can be renamed:
g (x) = (2x)2

The y-intercept value (0,0) will not change.


Let's look at the coordinates for the two graphs.

(x, y) becomes (x/k, y)

The tables above show the y-coordinates and their matching x-values for both functions.

Keep in mind that the y-values for both graphs must be horizontally the same.
It's the x-values that will change.

To find the new x-values of the compress,
to match the y-values from f (x),
multiply each x-coordinate by 1/k.

In the example at the left, the x-values from the parent function, f (x), are multiplied
by 1/k = 1/2 = ½
to obtain the x-values of the stretch.



Dilations of Functions:          f (kx)
bullet Horizontal Stretch or Compression (Shrink)
  f (kx) stretches/shrinks f (x) horizontally


"For the new graph"
(x, y) becomes (x/k, y)
"horizontal dilation"

A horizontal stretching is the stretching of the graph away from the y-axis

A horizontal compression (or shrinking) is the squeezing of the graph toward the y-axis.

• if k > 1, the graph of y = f (k•x) is the graph of f (x) horizontally shrunk (or compressed) by multiplying each of its x-coordinates by 1/k (or by dividing each of its x-coordinates by k).

• if 0 < k < 1 (a fraction), the graph is f (x) horizontally stretched by multiplying each of its x-coordinates by 1/k (or by dividing each of its x-coordinates by k).

• if k should be negative, the horizontal stretch or shrink is followed by a reflection in the y-axis.

Notice that the "roots" on the graph have now moved, but the "y-intercept" stays in its same initial position for all graphs. The graph gets "pushed and pulled" left and right from the locking y-intercept. The x-values change. The y-values do not change. lastrabbit


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