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Terms of Use
for is the copyrighted property
of Frederick and Donna Roberts,
Fulton, New York USA
Copyright © 2012 to present:
All Rights Reserved.

Please Note: The materials at MathBitsNotebook are copyrighted materials.
They are NOT an Open Educational Resource (OER) i.e., in the public domain.

You are not free to use these materials in any manner of your choosing.
These materials are copyrighted and are to be use as stipulated in these "Terms of Use".


We have found that there is a great deal of confusion among Internet users (and educators) as to what legal use can be made of copyrighted Internet content. Hopefully, this Terms of Use page will help to clarify these issues as they relate to your use of the web site Please understand that the content, materials, and graphics at are copyrighted, and as such are protected by US and International copyright laws (such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Berne Convention, and other intellectual property laws and statutes). content is NOT in the public domain. The fact that does not charge a fee for its use does not imply that you are free to use the materials in any manner you wish.

When accessing, you are agreeing to the following Terms of Use:

You may freely access the on-line content for your own, non-commercial, private use (or for private use within your own classroom with your face-to-face students). You may NOT, however, create your own hardcopies/handouts/worksheets or Internet postings using content/graphics from this web site (in part or whole). You may NOT use "snippets" of content to create hardcopies, projectable lessons, or for Internet posting.

If you want matching hardcopies of the practice pages, please purchase our subscription resources (,, or, which allow us to financially support this "free-access" and "ad-free" web site for your use.

You may link to content at from a non-commercial site (and are encouraged to do so), as long as the link does not state or imply any sponsoring of your site by or Frederick and/or Donna Roberts. Linking must not present content framed within a personal web site, a school web site, or any other web site. When linking, please use a plain hypertext link (do not use content, snippets, or graphics for linking). Please no deep linking or inline linking.

You may quote a small section of as in keeping with the "Fair Use" statute.
READ CAREFULLY:  "Fair Use", as it applies to copyrighted materials, is for the purpose of commentary or critical review for a limited period of time with limited distribution.  Such "Fair Use" does not extend to the re-posting of the materials to the Internet/Web.  "Fair Use" must also leave copyright notices and/or authorship intact.
As applied to educators, "Fair Use" is for use within the teacher's immediate classroom setting only (for a short period of time). Educators are not to re-post such materials to the Internet: "No exclusively educational purpose is guaranteed by putting material on the Web, and such conduct violates the copyright holder's right of public distribution."

You may not copy/reproduce the content from (in part, whole, or modified form) for any form of distribution or display.  Examples of such distributions or display include (but are not limited to):  handouts or lessons for classroom use, projectable lessons, conference presentations, project booklets, departmental handouts, workshop handouts, grant-based project materials, booklets, pamphlets, posting to school web sites, posting to personal web sites, etc. Use of these materials on any other web site for any purpose is prohibited. Re-posting to the Internet is not considered "fair use" for educators as it violates the copyright holder's right of public distribution. Linking to content at is acceptable, but re-posting of the content from is copyright infringement.
( is an on-line interactive resource for students. While teachers may access the site for projecting in the classroom, the site is not to be used for creating hardcopy worksheets. The site is stable and you may link to the site.)
You may not use content as private tutoring lessons/materials for which you are paid. You may not link to content to be used for commercial tutoring.

You may not use the content (in part or whole) from as your course lessons and/or practice materials when teaching an on-line course. In addition, you may not re-post (copy) any of these materials, in part or whole, to the Internet, intra-net, or any public/internal distribution format. You may not use any URL links to web pages and/or materials at as part of any on-line course.

You may not link to pages from from any commercial sites (such as paid on-line course web sites, tutoring services, link and review web sites, OER web sites, etc.) Such commercial sites are NOT to copy content (in part or whole) from, nor use any URL links to web pages and/or content at in any form or manner. You may not list, review, or link to pages from MathBitsNotebook on any sites offering Open Educational Resources, OER. MathBitsNotebook is NOT an OER.

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No Re-Post
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You may not use the graphics (such as, but not limited to, diagrams, graphs, clipart, animations, phototgraphs, photo objects, banners, drawings, and/or any combination of the like), in part or whole, from The graphics at were purchased or licensed for use on MathBitsNotebook.comWe pay for the legal rights to post these graphics, and these graphics are not free for the taking. The graphics are not to be copied or modified for personal, educational, or commercial use.  [Note: Copying graphics from the Internet may place you in danger of copyright infringement from BOTH the posting site and the graphic's commercial licensing company.] Graphics at are not to be directly linked (hot linked).

The content presented at carries no guarantee or warranty.   No one at involved in creating, producing or delivering the site accepts liability for (but not limited to) student progress, educational testing scores, educational program completion, teacher employment, or teacher professional progress.  In addition, no one at accepts liability for the improper or incorrect use of these materials. Content is provided on an "as is" basis and use of this content is at your discretion. reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms of Use. In addition, may discontinue, change or restrict access to content at any time. 

Links to other web sites are offered as a courtesy only. is not affiliated with these sites and does not accept liability for your use of these sites. (Exceptions: is an offspring of its parent site Other offspring are:,, and

Violations of the Terms of Use will result in action being taken against the offender and/or any offending web site(s). Be warned that students are quick to report copyright infringements made by their teachers. If it becomes necessary to contact a teacher's school district regarding the posting of copyrighted materials (or other infringement issues), it may prove to be professionally embarrassing to both the teacher and the district.

If you have any questions regarding these Terms of Use, please contact:

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