Directions: Read carefully.
1. |
If the alphabet were printed in simple block printing,
a) which capital letters would have horizontal line symmetry?
b) which capital letters would have both horizontal and vertical line symmetry?

2. |
Which of the following words possesses point symmetry?
3. |
What order of rotational symmetry does the regular polygon at the right possess?
4. |
In the diagram at the right, the trapezoid is reflected over line m.
Find the numerical values of x, y and z.
5. |
The diagram at the right can be described as an example of which of the following transformations?
6. |
Under a dilation, the Surf Mummy poster was reduced in size from 36 inches, in width, to 27 inches, in width. What was the scale factor of this dilation?
7. |
Triangle ABC can be described as having been:
8. |
Jason takes a selfie with his sister. He has a rectangular photograph made of dimensions 10 inches (width) by 14 inches (length) as a gift for his parents. His sister has wallet-sized photos with a width of 2.5 inches made of the same photograph.
a) Which of the following choices will be the length of the wallet-sized photos?
b) Which of the following mathematical terms does not describe the relationship between Jason's photograph and his sister's photos?
9. |
Which of the following transformations creates an image that is similar (but not congruent) to the pre-image?
10. |
Which of the following will produce the same result as a rotation of 270º counterclockwise?

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