Directions: Read carefully and examine the diagrams!
1. |
Given m || n as shown at the right.
Name all pairs of corresponding angles.
Name all pairs of alternate interior angles.
Name all pairs of interior angles on the same side of the transversal.
Name all pairs of alternate exterior angles.
2. |
a) Find the measure of the angle marked with the x.
b) What name is given to this pair of angles?
3. |
a) Find the measure of the angle marked with the x.
b) What name is given to this pair of angles?
4. |
a) Find the measure of the angle marked with the x.
b) What name is given to this pair of angles?
5. |
Find the measure of the angle marked with the x.
6. |
Find the measure of the angle marked with the x.
7. |
Find the measure of the angle marked with the x.
8. |
Find the measure of the angle marked with the x.
9. |
Given the diagram at the right as marked.
What is the value of x?
10. |
Given the diagram at the right as marked.
Find the number of degrees in y º.

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