Right Triangular Prism

Prisms and Pyramids

Volume is the amount of three-dimensional space an object occupies, in cubic units, within a container.

Right Rectangular Pyramid
The volume of a prism is its base area
times its height.
= volume in cubic units;   B = area of the base in square units;  
 h = prism height in units
Vprism = Bh

The volume of a pyramid is one-third
the area of its base times its height.  

B =
base of pyramid, h = height   

Note: Actual dimensions have been rounded to nearest tenth, as needed.

ex1 (Right Triangular Prism)
1. Find the volume of this right triangular prism. Remember to show your work.
• Find the area of the triangular base.
Since the base is a triangle, use A = ½ b• h.
            A = ½ • 9 • 6 = 27 sq. units.
• The prism's height = 12 units.
• The prism volume formula is V = Bh, where B = base area and h = height of prism.
            V = 27 sq. units • 12 units =
324 cubic units.


ex2 (Right Regular Triangular Pyramid)
2. Find the volume of this right regular triangular pyramid. Remember to show your work.
• A "regular" triangular pyramid means that all three side of the triangular base are the same length (10 units), making the base an equilateral triangle.
• Find the area of the triangular base. A = ½ b• h.
            A = ½ • 10 • 8.7 = 43.5 sq. units.
• The pyramid's height = 12 units.
• The pyramid volume formula is V = (1/3)Bh.
           V = (1/3)• 43.5 sq. units • 12 units = 174 cubic units.


ex3 (Right Trapezoidal Prism)
3. Find the volume of this right trapezoidal prism.
Remember to show your work.
• Find the area of the trapezoidal base by decomposing the trapezoid.
A (triangle) + A(square) = ½ (3)(4) + (4)(4) = 22 sq. units.
• The prism's height = 9 units.
• The prism volume formula is V = Bh.
  V = 22 sq. units • 9 units = 198 cubic units.


ex4 (Right Trapezoidal Pyramid)
4. Find the volume of this right, trapezoidal pyramid.
Remember to show your work.
• Find the area of the trapezoid base by decomposing.
A(triangle) + A(rectangle) + A(triangle) =
½ (3)(4) + (4)(8) + ½(3)(4) = 44 sq. units
• The pyramid's height = 12 units.
• The pyramid's volume is V =(1/3)Bh.
   V = (1/3) • 44 sq. units • 12 units = 176 cubic units.


ex5 (Composite Solid)
5. Find the volume of this solid, composed of a right square prism and a right square pyramid.
Remember to show your work.
• Find the volume of the right square prism.
V = l • w • h = 8•8•8 = 512 cubic units
• Find the volume of the right square pyramid.
V = (1/3)•Bh = (1/3)•(8)(8)•9 = 192 cubic units
• Find the volume of the composite solid.
Add the two volumes.
   V = 512 cu. units + 192 cu. units = 704 cubic units.



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