Vectors are a convenient way to describe and work with translations.
You may even see the term "translational vector" used.

Consider this re-definition of the word "translation" using the term "vector".

A translation is a transformation along a vector such that the segment joining a point to its image has the same length as the vector and is parallel to the vector.

"A translation displaces every point in the plane by the same distance, in the same direction,
and can be described using a vector." NGMS

Keep in mind that the vector〈a, b〉is equivalent to the mapping   (x, y) → (x + a, y + b).


Let's take a look at vectors in action!

Example 1: Given ΔABC and vector v.
Draw the translation determined by this vector and label the result ΔA'B'C'.

Notice: all three "dashed" copies of the vector are all the SAME LENGTH as the given vector, and they are all PARALLEL to the given vector.
In this problem, you would need a compass and straightedge, or tracing paper to accurately draw the translated image. For construction directions, see Construct: Translations;


Keep in mind that the vector〈a, b〉is equivalent to the mapping   (x, y) → (x + a, y + b).

Example 2: Given ΔABC and vector v in the coordinate plane.
Draw the translation determined by this vector and label the result ΔA'B'C'.

Again, notice: all three "dashed" copies of the vector are all the SAME LENGTH as the given vector, and they are all PARALLEL to the given vector.
Unlike the previous problem, no drawing tools are needed. Upon examination of the vector, it can be seen that movement by the vector is "left 4 units" and "down 3 units", written as . These lengths can be easily applied on the coordinate grid to find the translation.


Example 3:

Given ABCD and vector:
A(-3,5), B(-1,3). C(-3,1), D(-5,3)

Graph the pre-image and the image on the coordinate plane.

ABCD is graphed using the coordinates given.

The vector indicates a horizontal change of 5 units to the right, and a vertical change of 3 units down.

A' (2,2), B' (4,0), C' (2,-2), D' (0,0)


The red dashed segment is showing the "translation vector". It is not needed in the answer.


Example 4:
Given the graph shown below.
a) Which triangle is the pre-image and which triangle is the image? (pink vs blue)
b) What is the component form of the vector in this translation?
By observing that the arrowed segments are pointing to the blue triangle, we know that the blue triangle is the image, and the pink triangle is the pre-image.

b) the component form of the vector in this translation is

Notice that the vectors are all the same length and are parallel to one another.


Two vectors:
One vector:

A translation of a series of vectors can be accomplished in one step by adding the vectors.



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