What Do Linear Quadratic Systems Look Like?

Topical Outline | Algebra 1 Outline | MathBits' Teacher Resources

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blacktriangle For NGMS, linear-quadratic systems are for straight lines and parabolas only.

statement When you are working with quadratics, you are primarily working with
2 + bx + c = 0  or  y = ax2 + bx + c (where a, b and c are constants).

A linear quadratic system is a system containing one linear equation and one quadratic equation
(which is generally one straight line and one parabola).
Remember, a simple linear system contained two "linear" equations (which was two straight lines).

When dealing with a straight line and a parabola, there are three possible ways they
may appear on a graph, giving three possible solution situations.

bullet Possible Solution Situations blacktriangle
Linear-Quadratic System (line and parabola)
A solution is a location where the straight line and the parabola intersect (cross).

Situation 1:
When graphed, most linear quadratic systems will show the line and the parabola intersecting in two points, as seen at the right.

Two solutions

Situation 2:
If the straight line is tangent to the parabola, it will intersect (hit) the parabola in only one location, as seen at the right.

One solution


Situation 3:
It is possible that the straight line and the parabola never touch one another. They do not intersect.

No solutions



In Algebra 1, a linear quadratic system will deal with a straight line and a parabola.
blacktriangle For NGMS, linear-quadratic systems are for straight lines and
parabolas only.

FYI: It is, however, possible for a linear quadratic system to have both the x and y variables squared (with the same coefficients), where the graph shows a straight line and a circle.

When dealing with a straight line and a circle, there are also three possible ways they
may appear on a graph, giving three possible solution situations.

bullet Possible Solution Situations
Linear-Quadratic System (line and circle)
A solution is a location where the straight line and the circle intersect (cross).
Situation 1:
When graphed, most linear quadratic systems will show the line and the circle intersecting in two points, as seen at the right.

Two solutions

Situation 2:
If the straight line is tangent to the circle, it will intersect (hit) the circle in only one location, as seen at the right.

One solution


Situation 3:
It is possible that the straight line and the circle never touch one another. They do not intersect.

No solutions



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