Linear piecewise-defined functions can be used to represent changing "descriptive events" as they occur over time. The "pieces" of the piecewise function will display varying rates of change over the time intervals. Such use may be referred to as creating a "story" graph or function.
In reality, these graphs are simply graphical displays of a series of real world events over time.
(The story graphs on this page are composed of linear components only.)

bullet Piecewise Graph - Relating to a Series of Events:


Alan has embarked on an exercise program on his new treadmill. The graph at the right shows his heart rate during one of his daily 40 minute workouts.

1. Write a series of descriptive events (a "story") that can be represented by the changes in this graph.
Possible answer: Alan starts out with a slow 5 minute warm-up. He then steadily increases his speed in the next 5 minutes until he reaches a heart rate of 110 beats per minute. He maintains that rate for 20 minutes, after which he steadily cools down until he returns to his starting heart rate.

2. At what rate was Alan's heart rate decreasing during his cool down?
Answer: The cool down started at 110 beats per minute and ended with 70 beats per minute, over a period of 10 minutes.

(The negative sign indicates his heart rate is slowing down.)

Alan's heart rate was changing at a rate of -4 heart beats per minute during the cool down.
He was decreasing his heart rate by 4 beats per minute during the cool down.

Treadmill Workout


Which graph could represent the following series of events ("story")?

"Alison walked from her school's Commons area to her Math class. After class, she walked back to the Commons area, stopping to get a candy bar from a vending machine on the way."





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