For all numbers x and y and integers n,

Each factor of the "product" gets raised to the new power!

Be sure to notice that this rule ONLY works when the inside of the parentheses is a single term (a product).

(no + signs or - signs
separating the items)

When in doubt, expand terms to see what is happening.



Examples: (numerical and algebraic applications)

1.  (3 x 5)3 = 33 x 53 = 3375
Notice that the interior of the parentheses is a product (the multiplication of two terms). Each term is raised to the power of 3.

2.  (32 x 26)4 = 38 x 224
Apply the "power to a power" rule, as well as this "power of products" rule.

3.  (abc)4 = a4b4c4
The variables abc are a product a•b•c, so apply the rule to each factor.
4.  (5a)5 = 55a5 = 3125a5
Notice how the 5 inside the parentheses is also affected by the power of 5.

5.  (3a2)4 = 34(a2)4 = 34a8 = 81a8
Notice how the "power to a power" rule was used here to raise a2 to the power of 4.
6.  ppex3
The rule still applies when working with negative exponents.

7. ppex22
Notice how the negative sign is being handled. The -1 to the power of 5 yields a negative result.
8. ppex4
Be sure to apply the exponent to the coefficient of 3.

9.  4(2x3)2 = 4•22(x3)2 = 4•4•x6 = 16x6
Notice that the number 4 out in front is not affected by the power of 2 since it is not within the parentheses.

10. P = (2K)2W = 22K2W = 4K2W
Formulas often involve working with powers.

This rule does not apply if the inside of the parenthesis contains an addition or subtraction sign.

Exponents do not "distribute" over addition.
Exponents do not "distribute" over subtraction.


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