hint gal
When evaluating an expression, remember to:
• place a set of parentheses around the value being substituted to help avoid errors with those pesky signed numbers.
• follow the proper rules for
order of operations.


Numerical Substitutions:

When working in Algebra, if a question asks you to "evaluate" a situation, you are most likely being asked to find a numerical answer. When working with algebraic expressions, the process is simple. Replace the variable(s) in the expression, with the numerical value(s) you are given, and simplify the result.

Evaluate:    x2 - 1, when x = 5.
Replace x with 5 and simplify.
(5)2 - 1 = 25 - 1 = 24 Answer
Evaluate:    a2b + a, when a = -3 and b = 2.
Parentheses are needed in this problem.
(-3)2(2) + (-3) = 18 + (-3) = 15 Answer


Do NOT write: -32(2) + (-3) as this is -9(2) + (-3) = -21
and NOT the answer.     (-3)2 does not equal -32

Evaluate:    x3 + 3x2 - 2x - 5, when x = -4.
Again, use parentheses to avoid errors.
(-4)3 + 3(-4)2 - 2(-4) - 5 = -64 + 48 + 8 - 5 = -13 Answer

Evaluate:    4p2 - 2p + 12, when p = -1½.
    Again, use parentheses to avoid errors.
    4(-)2 - 2(-) + 12 = 4(2¼) + 3 + 12 = 9 + 3 + 12
= 24

expin5 evalsq
    Use parentheses to avoid errors.

expin6 evalfrac

Use parentheses to avoid errors.



Algebraic Substitutions:


It may be the case that you will be asked to evaluate an expression using "another expression".
Don't panic!!! Just follow the same process as you did when evaluating for a number.
Remember to use parentheses!

Evaluate:    x2 + 2x - 4, when x = 2a.
Remember to use parentheses!
(2a)2 + 2(2a) - 4 = 4a2 + 4a - 4 Answer

Evaluate:   3x + 10 when x = 3m + 15
Remember to use parentheses!
3(3m + 15) + 10 = 9m + 45 + 10 = 9m + 55 Answer

expin9 Evaluate:   9 - 2x when x = y2 - 4
    Remember to use parentheses!
    9 - 2(y2 - 4) = 9 - 2y2 + 8 = 17 - 2y2 Answer


The graphing calculator can also be used to evaluate expressions.
Click on the link at the right to see the possibilities.
For calculator help with Evaluating Expressions
click here.


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